Bpro Team Camps

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Bpro has introduced the spring/summer team workshops, the workshops consist of 5 days with 1hr and 45 minutes of training based on the needs of the team or coach. This process allows the teams to have players focus on areas of need for development. Bpro team training has been around 30 years and has shown a proven effect on team development. The teams that participate in the Team Camps range from developmental to advanced/academy level. Bpro is looking forward to having your team a part of this development process and will be looking to have your team on board.

Please see the details below you should have when signing up for the Team Camps

1. Minimum of 12 players (pending age will tale 10) maximum of 18 players
2. All players must have a white shirt, black shorts and white or black socks for training
3. Players must bring their own water bottles (enough for the session)
4. Players must have shin guard and soccer cleats or turfs
5. Team Coach/Parent must have prepared objectives and goals they would like the Bpro Coach to focus on.
6. Select dates on the registration form, note each team has options for their selected times.
7. Option of location outside of Essex Community College grass fields. The team could choose its own location.

Register Now

Contact Person

Examples: Attacking in Final Third, Building Out of the Back, etc.

Team Info (minimum 10 players maximum 18 players)

Player Name + Shirt Size(Required)
Add Fields as need with "+" on the right
Shirt Size

Camp Date Selection

Payment Info

Price: $0.00
Credit Card
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